Chair atatchment for tree boxes in Paris to bring people from around the world together
8M m²
covered in the Chateau of Versailles
annual visitors from around the world
tree boxes displaying different plants

With 1500 trees displayed in the tree boxes of Jardin du Soleil
The Garden of Versailles covers 30,000 acres

Especially if they rarely interact with each other

And that's really big for nine million annual visitors to walk through
How might a tree box bring people from different cultures together?

Visiting the Garden of Versailles to see the tree boxes in their environment and how people interact with the tree box
Partner project with Jardin du Soleil at ENSCI (National School of Industrial Design), Paris

Varying sizes of tree box for different tree species

Most interaction is a quick glance at the most

Frames easily open up for maintenance

Wear points around bolt removal
Bolts provide opportunity for attachment when removed

Playful large forms
Public reactions to city sanctioned objects
Soft large and comfortable curves
Easily taken apart for repairs
Blends into background
Inspired by the play between the public and the elite as there are people from all classes in the garden.

Exploring seating and forms with a playful quality because play is a universal experience.

Sitting after a long walk is a universal feeling while being beside other people can bring opportunity for people to interact with each other. How might we sit alongside others in the Garden of Versailles?
2 players

Taking inspiration from the playful flower we all drew as children

Sand casted Iron
Hand finished wood

making new friends in new places

One two three seats to encourage nearby conversation and play

A chance to appreciate the trees based from the original intent of the tree boxes to look at and showcase orange trees

Available for the 900, 1200, and 1500mm tree boxes